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Train TOC Origin Destination Latest Latest TD Report Next Event Berth(s)
1C77 EM Sheffield (16:22) St Pancras [domestic station] (19:19) Dep Spondon 1E @ 16:57 Dep (U) P1 from M @ Spondon Arr Long Eaton @ 17:03 (17:03). Dep 17:04½ (17:04). DY/PLT6, DY/T440
1D70 XC Birmingham New Street (16:09) Nottingham (17:24) Arr Derby 3E @ 16:47 Approaching @ Derby Dep Derby (4A) @ 17:01 (17:01). DY/5064, DY/PLT4
1E52 XC Birmingham New Street (16:30) Newcastle (20:04) Dep Willington @ 16:57 Dep (U) from M @ Stenson Junction Pass Derby LNW Junction @ 17:02. DY/5332
1G52 XC Nottingham (16:41) Birmingham New Street (17:55) Dep Spondon 1L @ 16:58 Dep (D) P2 from M @ Spondon Pass Derby Way And Works Junction @ 17:00½. DY/5033
1S51 XC Plymouth (12:27) Glasgow Central High Level (22:13) Dep Clay Cross North Junction ½E @ 16:58 Dep (D) from M @ Clay Cross North Junction Pass Chesterfield South Junction @ 17:00. DY/DMLS, DY/PLT1
1V13 XC Nottingham (16:07) Cardiff Central (19:25) Dep Wichnor Junction RT @ 16:55 Approaching @ Tamworth High Level Arr Tamworth High Level @ 17:00½ (17:01). Dep 17:03 (17:03). DY/LSDT, DY/PLT3
1V62 XC Edinburgh Waverley (12:07) Plymouth (20:47) Dep Castle Bromwich Junction ½E @ 16:58 Dep (D) from D @ Castle Bromwich Junction Pass Landor Street Junction @ 17:02½. DY/PLT2
2A28 EM Nottingham (15:54) Matlock (17:05) Dep Whatstandwell 1L @ 16:55 Dep (D) P1 from S @ Ambergate Arr Cromford @ 16:58½ (16:59). Dep 16:59½ (16:59). DY/MKSB
2A33 EM Matlock (16:13) Nottingham (17:17) Dep Spondon RT @ 16:54 Dep (U) P1 from M @ Spondon Arr Long Eaton @ 17:00 (17:00). Dep 17:01 (17:01). DY/LDUM, DY/PLT5
5S04 EM Derby (16:27) Derby Etches Park Sidings (16:29) Arr Derby Etches Park Sidings 3L @ 16:32 Terminated @ Derby Etches Park Sidings None found DY/LSFI

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