TrackIT! - Southampton Central

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CRS: SOU, TIPLoc: SOTON, Stanox: 86520

Action Train Train Description When Trigger
Dep (U) P1 from M 1M78 20:15 XC Bournemouth (19:40) - Birmingham New Street (22:45) 28/04/2024 20:15:33 EH: 0736 to 0728
Departed (P1) RT 1M78 20:15 XC Bournemouth (19:40) - Birmingham New Street (22:45) 28/04/2024 20:15:00 N/A
Dep (D) P4 from S 2S61 20:10 SW Romsey (19:35) - Romsey (20:23) 28/04/2024 20:11:58 EH: 0735 to 0747
Departed (P4) 1L 2S61 20:10 SW Romsey (19:35) - Romsey (20:23) 28/04/2024 20:11:00 N/A
Arrived (P1) 1E 1M78 20:15 XC Bournemouth (19:40) - Birmingham New Street (22:45) 28/04/2024 20:07:00 N/A
Arr (U) P1 1M78 20:15 XC Bournemouth (19:40) - Birmingham New Street (22:45) 28/04/2024 20:06:15 EH: 0746 to 0741
Arr (D) P4 2S61 20:10 SW Romsey (19:35) - Romsey (20:23) 28/04/2024 20:06:09 EH: 0731 to 0730
Arrived (P4) 2E 2S61 20:10 SW Romsey (19:35) - Romsey (20:23) 28/04/2024 20:06:00 N/A
Approaching 2S61 20:10 SW Romsey (19:35) - Romsey (20:23) 28/04/2024 20:05:40 EH: 0727 to 0731
Dep (U) P1 from M 1F79 20:05 GW Southampton Central (20:05) - Portsmouth Harbour (20:50) 28/04/2024 20:05:17 EH: 0736 to 0728
Approaching 1M78 20:15 XC Bournemouth (19:40) - Birmingham New Street (22:45) 28/04/2024 20:05:16 EH: 0752 to 0746
Activated 1F83 21:05 GW Southampton Central (21:05) - Portsmouth Harbour (21:51) 28/04/2024 20:05:10 N/A
Departed (P1) RT 1F79 20:05 GW Southampton Central (20:05) - Portsmouth Harbour (20:50) 28/04/2024 20:05:00 N/A
Dep (U) P2 from M 2R72 19:59 SW Romsey (19:27) - Romsey (20:31) 28/04/2024 19:59:13 EH: 0734 to 0728
Departed (P2) 1E 2R72 19:59 SW Romsey (19:27) - Romsey (20:31) 28/04/2024 19:58:00 N/A
Arr (D) P1 1F34 GW Portsmouth Harbour (19:08) - Southampton Central (19:58) 28/04/2024 19:56:05 EH: 0731 to 0736
Terminated 1F34 GW Portsmouth Harbour (19:08) - Southampton Central (19:58) 28/04/2024 19:56:00 N/A
Arrived (P1) 2E 1F34 GW Portsmouth Harbour (19:08) - Southampton Central (19:58) 28/04/2024 19:56:00 N/A
Dep (U) P1 from M 1B72 19:55 SW Poole (18:55) - Waterloo Main Lines (21:24) 28/04/2024 19:55:07 EH: 0736 to 0728
Departed (P1) 1E 1B72 19:55 SW Poole (18:55) - Waterloo Main Lines (21:24) 28/04/2024 19:54:00 N/A
Approaching 1F34 GW Portsmouth Harbour (19:08) - Southampton Central (19:58) 28/04/2024 19:53:59 EH: 0727 to 0731
Arrived (P1) 1E 1B72 19:55 SW Poole (18:55) - Waterloo Main Lines (21:24) 28/04/2024 19:52:00 N/A
Arr (U) P1 1B72 19:55 SW Poole (18:55) - Waterloo Main Lines (21:24) 28/04/2024 19:51:31 EH: 0746 to 0741
Approaching 1B72 19:55 SW Poole (18:55) - Waterloo Main Lines (21:24) 28/04/2024 19:50:57 EH: 0752 to 0746
Dep (D) P4 from F 1O24 19:50 XC Wolverhampton (16:39) - Bournemouth (20:27) 28/04/2024 19:50:27 EH: 0735 to 0745
Terminated 1N28 SN Brighton (18:00) - Southampton Central (19:50) 28/04/2024 19:50:00 N/A
Departed (P4) RT 1O24 19:50 XC Wolverhampton (16:39) - Bournemouth (20:27) 28/04/2024 19:50:00 N/A
Arrived (P3) RT 1N28 SN Brighton (18:00) - Southampton Central (19:50) 28/04/2024 19:50:00 N/A
Arr (D) P3 1N28 SN Brighton (18:00) - Southampton Central (19:50) 28/04/2024 19:49:36 EH: 0731 to 0732
Approaching 1N28 SN Brighton (18:00) - Southampton Central (19:50) 28/04/2024 19:48:20 EH: 0727 to 0731
Arrived (P4) 1E 1O24 19:50 XC Wolverhampton (16:39) - Bournemouth (20:27) 28/04/2024 19:46:00 N/A
Arr (D) P4 1O24 19:50 XC Wolverhampton (16:39) - Bournemouth (20:27) 28/04/2024 19:45:31 EH: 0731 to 0730
Approaching 1O24 19:50 XC Wolverhampton (16:39) - Bournemouth (20:27) 28/04/2024 19:45:01 EH: 0727 to 0731
Arrived (P2) 1E 2R72 19:59 SW Romsey (19:27) - Romsey (20:31) 28/04/2024 19:40:00 N/A
Arr (U) P2 2R72 19:59 SW Romsey (19:27) - Romsey (20:31) 28/04/2024 19:39:14 EH: 0744 to 0739
Terminated 2E60 SW Portsmouth & Southsea (18:42) - Southampton Central (19:40) 28/04/2024 19:39:00 N/A
Arrived (P3) 1E 2E60 SW Portsmouth & Southsea (18:42) - Southampton Central (19:40) 28/04/2024 19:39:00 N/A
Arr (D) P3 2E60 SW Portsmouth & Southsea (18:42) - Southampton Central (19:40) 28/04/2024 19:38:48 EH: 0731 to 0732
Approaching 2R72 19:59 SW Romsey (19:27) - Romsey (20:31) 28/04/2024 19:38:35 EH: 0750 to 0744
Approaching 2E60 SW Portsmouth & Southsea (18:42) - Southampton Central (19:40) 28/04/2024 19:38:18 EH: 0727 to 0731
Activated 2E65 20:37 SW Southampton Central (20:37) - Portsmouth & Southsea (21:35) 28/04/2024 19:37:12 N/A
Dep (D) P4 from F 1B55 19:36 SW Waterloo Main Lines (18:05) - Poole (20:33) 28/04/2024 19:36:48 EH: 0735 to 0745
Departed (P4) RT 1B55 19:36 SW Waterloo Main Lines (18:05) - Poole (20:33) 28/04/2024 19:36:00 N/A
Dep (U) P3 from M 2E61 19:35 SW Southampton Central (19:35) - Portsmouth & Southsea (20:33) 28/04/2024 19:35:24 EH: 0732 to 0728
Departed (P3) RT 2E61 19:35 SW Southampton Central (19:35) - Portsmouth & Southsea (20:33) 28/04/2024 19:35:00 N/A
Arr (D) P4 1B55 19:36 SW Waterloo Main Lines (18:05) - Poole (20:33) 28/04/2024 19:34:12 EH: 0731 to 0730
Arrived (P4) RT 1B55 19:36 SW Waterloo Main Lines (18:05) - Poole (20:33) 28/04/2024 19:34:00 N/A
Approaching 1B55 19:36 SW Waterloo Main Lines (18:05) - Poole (20:33) 28/04/2024 19:33:37 EH: 0727 to 0731
Dep (U) P3 from M 1N35 19:30 SN Southampton Central (19:30) - Brighton (21:21) 28/04/2024 19:30:05 EH: 0732 to 0728
Departed (P3) 1E 1N35 19:30 SN Southampton Central (19:30) - Brighton (21:21) 28/04/2024 19:29:00 N/A
Activated 1N97 20:28 SN Southampton Central (20:28) - Brighton (22:38) 28/04/2024 19:28:07 N/A
Dep (U) P1 from M 1W68 19:25 SW Wareham (18:20) - Waterloo Main Lines (20:49) 28/04/2024 19:25:16 EH: 0736 to 0728
Departed (P1) RT 1W68 19:25 SW Wareham (18:20) - Waterloo Main Lines (20:49) 28/04/2024 19:25:00 N/A
Arrived (P1) ½L 1W68 19:25 SW Wareham (18:20) - Waterloo Main Lines (20:49) 28/04/2024 19:23:00 N/A
Arr (U) P1 1W68 19:25 SW Wareham (18:20) - Waterloo Main Lines (20:49) 28/04/2024 19:22:08 EH: 0746 to 0741
Approaching 1W68 19:25 SW Wareham (18:20) - Waterloo Main Lines (20:49) 28/04/2024 19:21:34 EH: 0752 to 0746

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