TrackIT! - Sheffield

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CRS: SHF, TIPLoc: SHEFFLD, Stanox: 25701

Action Train Train Description When Trigger
Approaching 1B96 23:10 TP Liverpool Lime Street High Level (21:18) - Doncaster (23:54) 16/01/2025 23:06:24 Y4: 0079 to 0113
Dep (D) P1 from M 2R69 23:05 NT Sheffield (23:05) - Doncaster (23:41) 16/01/2025 23:05:20 Y4: 0126 to 0147
Approaching 1B96 23:10 TP Liverpool Lime Street High Level (21:18) - Doncaster (23:54) 16/01/2025 23:04:45 Y4: 0077 to 0079
Departed (P1) 1E 2R69 23:05 NT Sheffield (23:05) - Doncaster (23:41) 16/01/2025 23:04:00 N/A
Approaching 6U85 Retford Down Sidings (22:13) - Dronfield (00:05) 16/01/2025 23:03:27 Y4: 0154 to 0150
Dep (U) P6 from M 0M02 16/01/2025 23:00:39 Y4: 0109 to 0085
Passed (P6) 24L 0M02 Hunslet Yard Freightliner Heavy Haul (21:40) - Earles Sidings (Hope) Freightliner Heavy Haul (22:59) 16/01/2025 23:00:00 N/A
Arr (U) P6 0M02 16/01/2025 22:58:42 Y4: 0150 to 0109
Approaching 0M02 16/01/2025 22:57:40 Y4: 0156 to 0150
Terminated 1F77 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (20:31) - Sheffield (22:43) 16/01/2025 22:54:00 N/A
Arrived (P2) 11L 1F77 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (20:31) - Sheffield (22:43) 16/01/2025 22:54:00 N/A
Dep (D) P3 from M 2P39 22:43 NT Sheffield (22:43) - Worksop (23:13) 16/01/2025 22:53:12 Y4: 0128 to 0147
Arr (D) P2 1F77 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (20:31) - Sheffield (22:43) 16/01/2025 22:52:16 Y4: 0079 to 0127
Departed (P3) 9L 2P39 22:43 NT Sheffield (22:43) - Worksop (23:13) 16/01/2025 22:52:00 N/A
Dep (D) P5 from M 5B74 Sheffield (22:38) - Huddersfield (23:57) 16/01/2025 22:51:22 Y4: 0130 to 0147
Approaching 1F77 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (20:31) - Sheffield (22:43) 16/01/2025 22:50:45 Y4: 0077 to 0079
Departed (P5) 12L 5B74 Sheffield (22:38) - Huddersfield (23:57) 16/01/2025 22:50:00 N/A
Terminated 2B37 NT Huddersfield (21:12) - Sheffield (22:28) 16/01/2025 22:49:00 N/A
Arrived (P3) 21L 2B37 NT Huddersfield (21:12) - Sheffield (22:28) 16/01/2025 22:49:00 N/A
Arr (U) P3 2B37 NT Huddersfield (21:12) - Sheffield (22:28) 16/01/2025 22:48:05 Y4: 0150 to 0128
Dep (U) P1 from L 1L20 22:38 EM Manchester Piccadilly (21:41) - Nottingham (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:47:38 Y4: 0101 to 0084
Approaching 2B37 NT Huddersfield (21:12) - Sheffield (22:28) 16/01/2025 22:47:13 Y4: 0156 to 0150
Departed (P1) 9L 1L20 22:38 EM Manchester Piccadilly (21:41) - Nottingham (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:47:00 N/A
Dep (U) P6 from M 2S81 22:45 NT Sheffield (22:45) - Manchester Piccadilly (00:12) 16/01/2025 22:45:18 Y4: 0109 to 0085
Activated 5B74 Sheffield (22:38) - Huddersfield (23:57) 16/01/2025 22:44:50 N/A
Departed (P6) 1E 2S81 22:45 NT Sheffield (22:45) - Manchester Piccadilly (00:12) 16/01/2025 22:44:00 N/A
Cancelled (TH) 2B74 22:38 NT Sheffield (22:38) - Huddersfield (23:57) 16/01/2025 22:44:00 N/A
Arrived (P1) 10½L 1L20 22:38 EM Manchester Piccadilly (21:41) - Nottingham (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:44:00 N/A
Arr (D) P1 1L20 22:38 EM Manchester Piccadilly (21:41) - Nottingham (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:43:39 Y4: 0113 to 0126
Approaching 1L20 22:38 EM Manchester Piccadilly (21:41) - Nottingham (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:41:47 Y4: 0079 to 0113
Approaching 1L20 22:38 EM Manchester Piccadilly (21:41) - Nottingham (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:38:57 Y4: 0077 to 0079
Terminated 1N61 NT Leeds (21:37) - Sheffield (22:38) 16/01/2025 22:38:00 N/A
Arrived (P6) RT 1N61 NT Leeds (21:37) - Sheffield (22:38) 16/01/2025 22:38:00 N/A
Approaching *FD* 16/01/2025 22:37:34 Y4: 0089 to 0113
Dep (D) P4 from M 2L34 22:31 NT Sheffield (22:31) - Leeds (23:54) 16/01/2025 22:36:38 Y4: 0129 to 0147
Arr (U) P6 1N61 NT Leeds (21:37) - Sheffield (22:38) 16/01/2025 22:36:28 Y4: 0150 to 0109
Departed (P4) 5L 2L34 22:31 NT Sheffield (22:31) - Leeds (23:54) 16/01/2025 22:36:00 N/A
Approaching 1N61 NT Leeds (21:37) - Sheffield (22:38) 16/01/2025 22:35:25 Y4: 0156 to 0150
Dep (D) P1 from M 1Y34 NT Sheffield (22:18) - Leeds (23:17) 16/01/2025 22:34:48 Y4: 0126 to 0147
Dep (U) P6 from M *FD* 16/01/2025 22:34:33 Y4: 0109 to 0085
Departed (P1) 16L 1Y34 NT Sheffield (22:18) - Leeds (23:17) 16/01/2025 22:34:00 N/A
Dep (D) P1 from M 1Z73 Derby (21:52) - Leeds (23:31) 16/01/2025 22:32:49 Y4: 0126 to 0147
Departed (P1) 4½L 1Z73 Derby (21:52) - Leeds (23:31) 16/01/2025 22:32:00 N/A
Terminated 2R65 NT Adwick (21:24) - Sheffield (22:14) 16/01/2025 22:31:00 N/A
Arrived (P6) 17L 2R65 NT Adwick (21:24) - Sheffield (22:14) 16/01/2025 22:31:00 N/A
Dep (U) P2 from L 1C10 22:29 EM Sheffield (22:29) - Derby (23:08) 16/01/2025 22:30:57 Y4: 0104 to 0084
Activated 1C13 23:30 EM Sheffield (23:30) - Derby (00:16) 16/01/2025 22:30:22 N/A
Arr (U) P6 2R65 NT Adwick (21:24) - Sheffield (22:14) 16/01/2025 22:30:20 Y4: 0150 to 0109
Departed (P2) 1L 1C10 22:29 EM Sheffield (22:29) - Derby (23:08) 16/01/2025 22:30:00 N/A
Arrived (P1) 7L 1Z73 Derby (21:52) - Leeds (23:31) 16/01/2025 22:30:00 N/A
Arr (D) P1 1Z73 Derby (21:52) - Leeds (23:31) 16/01/2025 22:29:43 Y4: 0113 to 0126
Dep (U) P6 from M 1B95 22:11 TP Cleethorpes (20:26) - Liverpool Lime Street High Level (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:29:01 Y4: 0109 to 0085
Approaching 2R65 NT Adwick (21:24) - Sheffield (22:14) 16/01/2025 22:28:50 Y4: 0156 to 0150
Approaching 1Z73 Derby (21:52) - Leeds (23:31) 16/01/2025 22:28:04 Y4: 0079 to 0113
Departed (P6) 17L 1B95 22:11 TP Cleethorpes (20:26) - Liverpool Lime Street High Level (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:28:00 N/A
Activated 2R71 23:27 NT Sheffield (23:27) - Doncaster (00:03) 16/01/2025 22:27:25 N/A
Approaching 1Z73 Derby (21:52) - Leeds (23:31) 16/01/2025 22:26:39 Y4: 0077 to 0079
Terminated 1F75 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (20:02) - Sheffield (22:03) 16/01/2025 22:26:00 N/A
Arrived (P6) 17½L 1B95 22:11 TP Cleethorpes (20:26) - Liverpool Lime Street High Level (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:26:00 N/A
Arrived (P2) 23L 1F75 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (20:02) - Sheffield (22:03) 16/01/2025 22:26:00 N/A
Arr (U) P6 1B95 22:11 TP Cleethorpes (20:26) - Liverpool Lime Street High Level (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:25:17 Y4: 0150 to 0109
Arr (D) P2 1F75 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (20:02) - Sheffield (22:03) 16/01/2025 22:24:37 Y4: 0079 to 0127
Approaching 1B95 22:11 TP Cleethorpes (20:26) - Liverpool Lime Street High Level (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:24:11 Y4: 0156 to 0150
Approaching 1F75 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (20:02) - Sheffield (22:03) 16/01/2025 22:23:29 Y4: 0077 to 0079
Terminated 2N30 NT Leeds (20:48) - Sheffield (22:00) 16/01/2025 22:22:00 N/A
Arrived (P5) 22L 2N30 NT Leeds (20:48) - Sheffield (22:00) 16/01/2025 22:22:00 N/A
Dep (D) P1 from M 1B94 22:11 TP Liverpool Lime Street High Level (20:19) - Cleethorpes (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:21:17 Y4: 0126 to 0147
Arr (U) P5 2N30 NT Leeds (20:48) - Sheffield (22:00) 16/01/2025 22:21:15 Y4: 0150 to 0130
Departed (P1) 8½L 1B94 22:11 TP Liverpool Lime Street High Level (20:19) - Cleethorpes (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:20:00 N/A
Approaching 2N30 NT Leeds (20:48) - Sheffield (22:00) 16/01/2025 22:19:52 Y4: 0156 to 0150
Dep (U) P2 from L 5F72 EM Sheffield (22:01) - Derby Etches Park Sidings (22:39) 16/01/2025 22:19:39 Y4: 0104 to 0084
Dep (U) P6 from M 1M00 22:02 XC Edinburgh Waverley (18:07) - Birmingham New Street (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:19:22 Y4: 0109 to 0085
Departed (P2) 18L 5F72 EM Sheffield (22:01) - Derby Etches Park Sidings (22:39) 16/01/2025 22:19:00 N/A
Activated 2L36 23:18 NT Sheffield (23:18) - Wakefield Kirkgate (00:04) 16/01/2025 22:18:26 N/A
Departed (P6) 16L 1M00 22:02 XC Edinburgh Waverley (18:07) - Birmingham New Street (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:18:00 N/A
Departed 33L 1C04 21:45 EM Sheffield (21:45) - St Pancras [domestic station] (00:23) 16/01/2025 22:18:00 N/A
Arrived (P1) 8½L 1B94 22:11 TP Liverpool Lime Street High Level (20:19) - Cleethorpes (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:18:00 N/A
Arr (D) P1 1B94 22:11 TP Liverpool Lime Street High Level (20:19) - Cleethorpes (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:17:45 Y4: 0113 to 0126
Arrived (P6) 22L 1M00 22:02 XC Edinburgh Waverley (18:07) - Birmingham New Street (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:17:00 N/A
Approaching 1B94 22:11 TP Liverpool Lime Street High Level (20:19) - Cleethorpes (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:16:10 Y4: 0079 to 0113
Arr (U) P6 1M00 22:02 XC Edinburgh Waverley (18:07) - Birmingham New Street (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:15:42 Y4: 0150 to 0109
Activated 2N37 23:15 NT Sheffield (23:15) - Leeds (00:27) 16/01/2025 22:15:26 N/A
Dep (D) P4 from M 2N35 22:15 NT Sheffield (22:15) - Leeds (23:26) 16/01/2025 22:15:11 Y4: 0129 to 0147
Approaching 1M00 22:02 XC Edinburgh Waverley (18:07) - Birmingham New Street (23:27) 16/01/2025 22:14:53 Y4: 0156 to 0150
Approaching 1B94 22:11 TP Liverpool Lime Street High Level (20:19) - Cleethorpes (23:58) 16/01/2025 22:14:38 Y4: 0077 to 0079
Terminated 1F72 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (19:32) - Sheffield (21:45) 16/01/2025 22:14:00 N/A
Departed (P4) 1E 2N35 22:15 NT Sheffield (22:15) - Leeds (23:26) 16/01/2025 22:14:00 N/A
Arrived (P2) 29L 1F72 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (19:32) - Sheffield (21:45) 16/01/2025 22:14:00 N/A
Arr (D) P2 1F72 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (19:32) - Sheffield (21:45) 16/01/2025 22:12:34 Y4: 0079 to 0127
Approaching 1F72 EM St Pancras [domestic station] (19:32) - Sheffield (21:45) 16/01/2025 22:11:34 Y4: 0077 to 0079
Terminated 2S78 NT Manchester Piccadilly (20:48) - Sheffield (22:06) 16/01/2025 22:11:00 N/A
Arrived (P5) 5L 2S78 NT Manchester Piccadilly (20:48) - Sheffield (22:06) 16/01/2025 22:11:00 N/A
Dep (U) P8 from M 1Y35 22:05 NT Leeds (21:04) - Nottingham (22:56) 16/01/2025 22:09:19 Y4: 0111 to 0085
Arr (D) P5 2S78 NT Manchester Piccadilly (20:48) - Sheffield (22:06) 16/01/2025 22:09:09 Y4: 0079 to 0130
Approaching 2S78 NT Manchester Piccadilly (20:48) - Sheffield (22:06) 16/01/2025 22:08:01 Y4: 0077 to 0079
Departed (P8) 3L 1Y35 22:05 NT Leeds (21:04) - Nottingham (22:56) 16/01/2025 22:08:00 N/A

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