TrackIT! - Lincoln [Central]

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CRS: LCN, TIPLoc: LINCLNC, Stanox: 44038

Train TOC Origin Destination Action WTT Public Actual Var Plt (S) Plt (A) Lin (S) Lin (A) Pth (S) Pth (A) Latest Latest TD Report
2K01 EM Lincoln [Central] (06:12) Peterborough (07:21) Formed by 2L50 EM Cleethorpes (05:00) - Lincoln [Central] (06:03) Dep Spalding RT @ 07:02 Dep (U) P1 from M @ Spalding
Depart 06:12 06:12 06:11 1E 1 1 S 3
5E19 EM Nottingham (05:27) Lincoln [Central] (06:20) Arrive 06:20   06:12 8E 4 4   0 Arr Lincoln [Central] 8E @ 06:12 Terminated @ Lincoln [Central]
Forms 1B19 EM Lincoln [Central] (06:40) - St Pancras [domestic station] (09:27)
1B16 EM Lincoln [Central] (06:14) St Pancras [domestic station] (08:56) Formed by 5E16 EM Derby Etches Park Sidings (04:32) - Lincoln [Central] (05:59) Arr Nottingham RT @ 07:06 Arr (U) P7 @ Nottingham
Depart 06:14 06:14 06:14 RT 3 3 F 2
2L51 EM Nottingham (05:39) Grimsby Town (07:31) Arrive 06:34½ 06:35 06:34 ½E 3A 3   0 Dep Holton-Le-Moor Signal Box ½E @ 06:58 Approaching @ Wrawby Junction
Depart 06:37 06:37 06:36 1E 3 M 1
5P62 NT Sheffield (05:34) Lincoln [Central] (06:38) Arrive 06:38   06:37 1E 5A 5   0 Arr Lincoln [Central] 1E @ 06:37 Terminated @ Lincoln [Central]
Forms 2P62 NT Lincoln [Central] (06:43) - Sheffield (08:03)
1B19 EM Lincoln [Central] (06:40) St Pancras [domestic station] (09:27) Formed by 5E19 EM Nottingham (05:27) - Lincoln [Central] (06:20) Dep Collingham RT @ 07:01 Approaching @ Newark Crossing East Junction
Depart 06:40 06:40 06:39 1E 4 4 F 2
2P62 NT Lincoln [Central] (06:43) Sheffield (08:03) Formed by 5P62 NT Sheffield (05:34) - Lincoln [Central] (06:38) Dep Gainsborough Trent Junctions ½L @ 07:06 Dep (D) P2 from M @ Gainsborough Lea Road
Depart 06:43 06:43 06:42 1E 5A 5 F 2
2T52 EM Cleethorpes (05:50) Newark North Gate (07:21) Arrive 06:50½ 06:51 06:53 2½L 4A 4   0 Arr Hykeham 4½L @ 07:04 Arr (U) P2 @ Hykeham
Depart 06:52½ 06:52 06:56 3½L 4 F 2
3B81 GR Doncaster IEP Depot (05:12) Lincoln [Central] (06:57) Arrive 06:57   06:59 2L 4 4   0 Arr Lincoln [Central] 2L @ 06:59 Terminated @ Lincoln [Central]
Forms 1B81 GR Lincoln [Central] (07:30) - Kings Cross (09:20)
2P01 NT Sheffield (05:45) Lincoln [Central] (07:03) Arrive 07:03 07:03 07:01 2E 5A 5   0 Arr Lincoln [Central] 2E @ 07:01 Terminated @ Lincoln [Central]
Forms 1L40 NT Lincoln [Central] (07:23) - Sheffield (08:42)
2T51 EM Newark North Gate (06:37) Peterborough (08:17) Arrive 07:07 07:07 07:05 2E 3A 3   0 Arr Lincoln [Central] 2E @ 07:05 Arr (U) P3 @ Lincoln [Central]
Depart 07:09 07:09          
4D08   Peterborough Virtual Quarry GB Railfreight (06:10) Doncaster Iport GB Railfreight (09:15) Pass 07:33½       DM       Dep Metheringham 12E @ 07:00 Dep (D) P1 from M @ Metheringham
1L40 NT Lincoln [Central] (07:23) Sheffield (08:42) Formed by 2P01 NT Sheffield (05:45) - Lincoln [Central] (07:03) No report Activated @ Lincoln [Central]
Depart 07:23 07:23     5A      
1B81 GR Lincoln [Central] (07:30) Kings Cross (09:20) Formed by 3B81 GR Doncaster IEP Depot (05:12) - Lincoln [Central] (06:57) No report Activated @ Lincoln [Central]
Depart 07:30 07:30     4      
2L55 EM Nottingham (06:37) Grimsby Town (08:29) Arrive 07:31 07:31     3A       Dep Newark Crossing East Junction ½E @ 07:01 Approaching @ Collingham
Depart 07:36½ 07:36          
2K04 EM Peterborough (06:32) Lincoln [Central] (07:43) Arrive 07:43 07:43     4A       Dep Quadring Signal WS7071 RT @ 06:59 Approaching @ Sleaford South Junction
Forms 2L54 EM Lincoln [Central] (07:47) - Nottingham (08:39)
2L54 EM Lincoln [Central] (07:47) Nottingham (08:39) Formed by 2K04 EM Peterborough (06:32) - Lincoln [Central] (07:43) No report Activated @ Lincoln [Central]
Depart 07:47 07:47     4A      
1L31 NT Sheffield (06:35) Lincoln [Central] (07:54) Arrive 07:54½ 07:55     5A       Arr Worksop RT @ 07:06 Arr (U) P2 @ Worksop
Forms 1L44 NT Lincoln [Central] (08:25) - Sheffield (09:42)
2T53 EM Newark North Gate (07:30) Lincoln [Central] (07:59) Arrive 07:59 07:59     3A       No report Activated @ Newark North Gate
Forms 2K03 EM Lincoln [Central] (08:03) - Peterborough (09:15)
2K03 EM Lincoln [Central] (08:03) Peterborough (09:15) Formed by 2T53 EM Newark North Gate (07:30) - Lincoln [Central] (07:59) No report Activated @ Lincoln [Central]
Depart 08:03 08:03     3A      

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