TrackIT! - Avoncliff

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CRS: AVF, TIPLoc: AVNCLFF, Stanox: 82073

Action Train Train Description When Trigger
Dep (D) P1 from D 2T73 17:56 GW Warminster (17:30) - Bristol Temple Meads (18:29) 07/02/2025 17:58:35 D0: 1987 to 1991
Departed (P1) 1½L 2T73 17:56 GW Warminster (17:30) - Bristol Temple Meads (18:29) 07/02/2025 17:58:00 N/A
Arrived 1L 2T73 17:56 GW Warminster (17:30) - Bristol Temple Meads (18:29) 07/02/2025 17:57:00 N/A
Dep (D) P1 from D 1F24 GW Portsmouth Harbour (15:23) - Cardiff Central (18:49) 07/02/2025 17:34:09 D0: 1987 to 1991
Departed 1F24 GW Portsmouth Harbour (15:23) - Cardiff Central (18:49) 07/02/2025 17:33:59 N/A
Dep (D) P1 from D 2V72 GW Weymouth (15:28) - Gloucester (19:04) 07/02/2025 17:27:48 D0: 1987 to 1991
Departed 2V72 GW Weymouth (15:28) - Gloucester (19:04) 07/02/2025 17:27:38 N/A
Dep (D) P1 from D 6Z23 Wembley Reception Sidings 1-7 (14:10) - Bristol East Depot EWS (18:25) 07/02/2025 17:10:55 D0: 1987 to 1991
Departed 6Z23 Wembley Reception Sidings 1-7 (14:10) - Bristol East Depot EWS (18:25) 07/02/2025 17:10:45 N/A

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