TrackIT! - Euston

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CRS: EUS, TIPLoc: EUSTON, Stanox: 72410

Action Train Train Description When Trigger
Terminated 1Y62 LM Birmingham New Street (18:06) - Euston (20:17) 26/04/2024 20:16:00 N/A
Arrived (P4) 1E 1Y62 LM Birmingham New Street (18:06) - Euston (20:17) 26/04/2024 20:16:00 N/A
Arr (U) P4 1Y62 LM Birmingham New Street (18:06) - Euston (20:17) 26/04/2024 20:14:19 WY: 0488 to X004
Dep (D) P12 from E 1H75 20:13 VT Euston (20:13) - Manchester Piccadilly (22:45) 26/04/2024 20:13:44 WY: A012 to 0105
Approaching 1Y62 LM Birmingham New Street (18:06) - Euston (20:17) 26/04/2024 20:13:34 WY: 0490 to 0488
Departed (P12) RT 1H75 20:13 VT Euston (20:13) - Manchester Piccadilly (22:45) 26/04/2024 20:13:00 N/A
Terminated 1M16 VT Glasgow Central High Level (15:38) - Euston (20:13) 26/04/2024 20:12:00 N/A
Arrived (P13) 1E 1M16 VT Glasgow Central High Level (15:38) - Euston (20:13) 26/04/2024 20:12:00 N/A
Dep (D) P7 from X 1H41 19:53 VT Euston (19:53) - Manchester Piccadilly (22:05) 26/04/2024 20:11:31 WY: A007 to 0603
Departed (P7) 18L 1H41 19:53 VT Euston (19:53) - Manchester Piccadilly (22:05) 26/04/2024 20:11:00 N/A
Arr (U) P13 1M16 VT Glasgow Central High Level (15:38) - Euston (20:13) 26/04/2024 20:10:41 WY: 0102 to X013
Activated 1P09 21:10 VT Euston (21:10) - Preston (23:46) 26/04/2024 20:10:11 N/A
Terminated 1A71 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:55) - Euston (20:10) 26/04/2024 20:10:00 N/A
Arrived (P14) RT 1A71 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:55) - Euston (20:10) 26/04/2024 20:10:00 N/A
Approaching 1M16 VT Glasgow Central High Level (15:38) - Euston (20:13) 26/04/2024 20:09:46 WY: 0104 to 0102
Dep (D) P8 from C 2K59 20:09 LM Euston (20:09) - Milton Keynes Central (21:16) 26/04/2024 20:09:25 WY: A008 to 0309
Departed (P8) RT 2K59 20:09 LM Euston (20:09) - Milton Keynes Central (21:16) 26/04/2024 20:09:00 N/A
Arr (U) P14 1A71 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:55) - Euston (20:10) 26/04/2024 20:08:31 WY: 0102 to X014
Approaching 1A71 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:55) - Euston (20:10) 26/04/2024 20:07:07 WY: 0104 to 0102
Dep (D) P13 from E 9G43 20:06 VT Euston (20:06) - Wolverhampton (21:58) 26/04/2024 20:06:44 WY: A013 to 0105
Activated 9G46 21:06 VT Euston (21:06) - Wolverhampton (22:58) 26/04/2024 20:06:14 N/A
Activated 2K63 21:06 LM Euston (21:06) - Milton Keynes Central (22:14) 26/04/2024 20:06:13 N/A
Terminated 2K50 LM Milton Keynes Central (18:57) - Euston (20:07) 26/04/2024 20:06:00 N/A
Departed (P13) RT 9G43 20:06 VT Euston (20:06) - Wolverhampton (21:58) 26/04/2024 20:06:00 N/A
Arrived (P16) 1E 2K50 LM Milton Keynes Central (18:57) - Euston (20:07) 26/04/2024 20:06:00 N/A
Terminated 1B59 VT Birmingham New Street (18:47) - Euston (20:06) 26/04/2024 20:05:00 N/A
Arrived (P3) 1E 1B59 VT Birmingham New Street (18:47) - Euston (20:06) 26/04/2024 20:05:00 N/A
Arr (U) P16 2K50 LM Milton Keynes Central (18:57) - Euston (20:07) 26/04/2024 20:04:28 WY: 0284 to X016
Arr (U) P3 1B59 VT Birmingham New Street (18:47) - Euston (20:06) 26/04/2024 20:04:04 WY: 0488 to X003
Approaching 2K50 LM Milton Keynes Central (18:57) - Euston (20:07) 26/04/2024 20:03:49 WY: 0308 to 0284
Approaching 1B59 VT Birmingham New Street (18:47) - Euston (20:06) 26/04/2024 20:03:12 WY: 0490 to 0488
Terminated 2C56 LO Watford Junction DC (19:15) - Euston (20:04) 26/04/2024 20:03:00 N/A
Arrived (P9) 1E 2C56 LO Watford Junction DC (19:15) - Euston (20:04) 26/04/2024 20:03:00 N/A
Dep (D) P5 from X 1D94 20:02 VT Euston (20:02) - Holyhead (23:39) 26/04/2024 20:02:21 WY: A005 to 0603
Arr (U) P9 2C56 LO Watford Junction DC (19:15) - Euston (20:04) 26/04/2024 20:02:08 WY: 0306 to X009
Departed (P5) RT 1D94 20:02 VT Euston (20:02) - Holyhead (23:39) 26/04/2024 20:02:00 N/A
Approaching 2C56 LO Watford Junction DC (19:15) - Euston (20:04) 26/04/2024 20:01:31 WY: 0308 to 0306
Dep (D) P9 from C 2D57 20:00 LO Euston (20:00) - Watford Junction DC (20:47) 26/04/2024 20:00:29 WY: A009 to 0309
Activated 2D61 21:00 LO Euston (21:00) - Watford Junction DC (21:47) 26/04/2024 20:00:14 N/A
Departed (P9) RT 2D57 20:00 LO Euston (20:00) - Watford Junction DC (20:47) 26/04/2024 20:00:00 N/A
Terminated 1A70 VT Liverpool Lime Street High Level (17:43) - Euston (20:03) 26/04/2024 19:58:00 N/A
Arrived (P6) 5E 1A70 VT Liverpool Lime Street High Level (17:43) - Euston (20:03) 26/04/2024 19:58:00 N/A
Arr (U) P6 1A70 VT Liverpool Lime Street High Level (17:43) - Euston (20:03) 26/04/2024 19:56:31 WY: 0488 to X006
Dep (D) P3 from X 1Y71 19:56 LM Euston (19:56) - Birmingham New Street (22:15) 26/04/2024 19:56:19 WY: A003 to 0603
Activated 1Y75 20:56 LM Euston (20:56) - Birmingham New Street (23:24) 26/04/2024 19:56:09 N/A
Approaching 1A70 VT Liverpool Lime Street High Level (17:43) - Euston (20:03) 26/04/2024 19:55:50 WY: 0490 to 0488
Terminated 1A69 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:35) - Euston (19:41) 26/04/2024 19:55:00 N/A
Departed (P3) 1E 1Y71 19:56 LM Euston (19:56) - Birmingham New Street (22:15) 26/04/2024 19:55:00 N/A
Arrived (P7) 14L 1A69 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:35) - Euston (19:41) 26/04/2024 19:55:00 N/A
Dep (D) P10 from C 2T71 19:54 LM Euston (19:54) - Tring (20:32) 26/04/2024 19:54:25 WY: A010 to 0309
Activated 2B61 20:54 LM Euston (20:54) - Bletchley (21:50) 26/04/2024 19:54:13 N/A
Terminated 2T66 LM Tring (19:15) - Euston (19:52) 26/04/2024 19:54:00 N/A
Departed (P10) RT 2T71 19:54 LM Euston (19:54) - Tring (20:32) 26/04/2024 19:54:00 N/A
Arrived (P8) 2L 2T66 LM Tring (19:15) - Euston (19:52) 26/04/2024 19:54:00 N/A
Arr (U) P7 1A69 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:35) - Euston (19:41) 26/04/2024 19:53:18 WY: 0488 to X007
Activated 1H44 20:53 VT Euston (20:53) - Manchester Piccadilly (23:07) 26/04/2024 19:53:09 N/A
Approaching 1A69 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:35) - Euston (19:41) 26/04/2024 19:52:28 WY: 0490 to 0488
Arr (U) P8 2T66 LM Tring (19:15) - Euston (19:52) 26/04/2024 19:52:14 WY: 0306 to X008
Terminated 9A84 VT Blackpool North (15:51) - Euston (19:54) 26/04/2024 19:52:00 N/A
Arrived (P12) 2E 9A84 VT Blackpool North (15:51) - Euston (19:54) 26/04/2024 19:52:00 N/A
Approaching 2T66 LM Tring (19:15) - Euston (19:52) 26/04/2024 19:51:11 WY: 0308 to 0306
Arr (U) P12 9A84 VT Blackpool North (15:51) - Euston (19:54) 26/04/2024 19:50:15 WY: 0102 to X012
Terminated 2C55 LO Watford Junction DC (19:00) - Euston (19:49) 26/04/2024 19:50:00 N/A
Arrived (P9) 1L 2C55 LO Watford Junction DC (19:00) - Euston (19:49) 26/04/2024 19:50:00 N/A
Approaching 9A84 VT Blackpool North (15:51) - Euston (19:54) 26/04/2024 19:49:16 WY: 0104 to 0102
Terminated 1Y60 LM Birmingham New Street (17:36) - Euston (19:49) 26/04/2024 19:49:00 N/A
Arrived (P11) RT 1Y60 LM Birmingham New Street (17:36) - Euston (19:49) 26/04/2024 19:49:00 N/A
Arr (U) P9 2C55 LO Watford Junction DC (19:00) - Euston (19:49) 26/04/2024 19:48:38 WY: 0306 to X009
Activated 5M16 VT Euston (20:48) - Wembley Inter City Depot (21:04) 26/04/2024 19:48:06 N/A
Approaching 2C55 LO Watford Junction DC (19:00) - Euston (19:49) 26/04/2024 19:48:00 WY: 0308 to 0306
Arr (U) P11 1Y60 LM Birmingham New Street (17:36) - Euston (19:49) 26/04/2024 19:47:59 WY: 0102 to X011
Dep (D) P11 from E 1U49 19:46 LM Euston (19:46) - Crewe (21:54) 26/04/2024 19:46:30 WY: A011 to 0105
Approaching 1Y60 LM Birmingham New Street (17:36) - Euston (19:49) 26/04/2024 19:46:16 WY: 0104 to 0102
Activated 1U51 20:46 LM Euston (20:46) - Crewe (22:58) 26/04/2024 19:46:09 N/A
Departed (P11) RT 1U49 19:46 LM Euston (19:46) - Crewe (21:54) 26/04/2024 19:46:00 N/A
Dep (D) P9 from C 2D56 19:45 LO Euston (19:45) - Watford Junction DC (20:32) 26/04/2024 19:45:50 WY: A009 to 0309
Activated 2D60 20:45 LO Euston (20:45) - Watford Junction DC (21:32) 26/04/2024 19:45:13 N/A
Departed (P9) RT 2D56 19:45 LO Euston (19:45) - Watford Junction DC (20:32) 26/04/2024 19:45:00 N/A
Dep (D) P14 from E 1F36 19:43 VT Euston (19:43) - Liverpool Lime Street High Level (22:04) 26/04/2024 19:43:30 WY: A014 to 0105
Activated 1F38 20:43 VT Euston (20:43) - Liverpool Lime Street High Level (23:04) 26/04/2024 19:43:09 N/A
Departed (P14) RT 1F36 19:43 VT Euston (19:43) - Liverpool Lime Street High Level (22:04) 26/04/2024 19:43:00 N/A
Dep (D) P7 from B 5M16 VT Euston (20:48) - Wembley Inter City Depot (21:04) 26/04/2024 19:41:46 WY: A007 to 0473
Activated 9G45 20:40 VT Euston (20:40) - Wolverhampton (22:29) 26/04/2024 19:40:14 N/A
Dep (D) P4 from X 9K42 19:40 VT Euston (19:40) - Crewe (22:33) 26/04/2024 19:40:13 WY: A004 to 0603
Dep (D) P8 from B 2K57 19:39 LM Euston (19:39) - Milton Keynes Central (20:45) 26/04/2024 19:39:35 WY: A008 to 0473
Activated 2K61 20:39 LM Euston (20:39) - Milton Keynes Central (21:46) 26/04/2024 19:39:13 N/A
Departed (P8) RT 2K57 19:39 LM Euston (19:39) - Milton Keynes Central (20:45) 26/04/2024 19:39:00 N/A
Departed (P4) 1E 9K42 19:40 VT Euston (19:40) - Crewe (22:33) 26/04/2024 19:39:00 N/A
Terminated 2C54 LO Watford Junction DC (18:48) - Euston (19:36) 26/04/2024 19:38:00 N/A
Arrived (P9) 2L 2C54 LO Watford Junction DC (18:48) - Euston (19:36) 26/04/2024 19:38:00 N/A
Arr (U) P9 2C54 LO Watford Junction DC (18:48) - Euston (19:36) 26/04/2024 19:36:48 WY: 0306 to X009
Approaching 2C54 LO Watford Junction DC (18:48) - Euston (19:36) 26/04/2024 19:36:08 WY: 0308 to 0306
Terminated 2K48 LM Milton Keynes Central (18:27) - Euston (19:39) 26/04/2024 19:36:00 N/A
Arrived (P10) 3E 2K48 LM Milton Keynes Central (18:27) - Euston (19:39) 26/04/2024 19:36:00 N/A
Arr (U) P10 2K48 LM Milton Keynes Central (18:27) - Euston (19:39) 26/04/2024 19:35:05 WY: 0306 to X010
Dep (D) P6 from X 1S98 19:30 VT Euston (19:30) - Glasgow Central High Level (00:08) 26/04/2024 19:34:33 WY: A006 to 0603
Approaching 2K48 LM Milton Keynes Central (18:27) - Euston (19:39) 26/04/2024 19:34:29 WY: 0308 to 0306
Terminated 1A68 VT Chester (17:32) - Euston (19:35) 26/04/2024 19:34:00 N/A
Departed (P6) 4L 1S98 19:30 VT Euston (19:30) - Glasgow Central High Level (00:08) 26/04/2024 19:34:00 N/A
Arrived (P5) 1E 1A68 VT Chester (17:32) - Euston (19:35) 26/04/2024 19:34:00 N/A
Dep (D) P12 from E 1H74 19:33 VT Euston (19:33) - Manchester Piccadilly (21:44) 26/04/2024 19:33:42 WY: A012 to 0105
Activated 1P07 20:33 VT Euston (20:33) - Preston (23:00) 26/04/2024 19:33:09 N/A
Departed (P12) RT 1H74 19:33 VT Euston (19:33) - Manchester Piccadilly (21:44) 26/04/2024 19:33:00 N/A
Arr (U) P5 1A68 VT Chester (17:32) - Euston (19:35) 26/04/2024 19:32:22 WY: 0488 to X005
Approaching 1A68 VT Chester (17:32) - Euston (19:35) 26/04/2024 19:31:27 WY: 0490 to 0488
Dep (D) P5 from X 9G41 19:16 VT Euston (19:16) - Birmingham New Street (20:48) 26/04/2024 19:31:07 WY: A005 to 0603
Terminated 1A66 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:15) - Euston (19:27) 26/04/2024 19:31:00 N/A
Arrived (P13) 4L 1A66 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:15) - Euston (19:27) 26/04/2024 19:31:00 N/A
Dep (D) P9 from C 2D55 19:30 LO Euston (19:30) - Watford Junction DC (20:17) 26/04/2024 19:30:17 WY: A009 to 0309
Activated 2D59 20:30 LO Euston (20:30) - Watford Junction DC (21:17) 26/04/2024 19:30:14 N/A
Departed (P5) 14L 9G41 19:16 VT Euston (19:16) - Birmingham New Street (20:48) 26/04/2024 19:30:00 N/A
Arr (U) P13 1A66 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:15) - Euston (19:27) 26/04/2024 19:29:36 WY: 0102 to X013
Dep (D) P16 from E 1H39 19:13 VT Euston (19:13) - Manchester Piccadilly (21:19) 26/04/2024 19:29:22 WY: A016 to 0105
Departed (P9) 1E 2D55 19:30 LO Euston (19:30) - Watford Junction DC (20:17) 26/04/2024 19:29:00 N/A
Approaching 1A66 VT Manchester Piccadilly (17:15) - Euston (19:27) 26/04/2024 19:28:58 WY: 0104 to 0102
Terminated 5S95 CS Wembley Inter City Depot (19:09) - Euston (19:27) 26/04/2024 19:28:00 N/A
Terminated 1U40 LM Crewe (17:13) - Euston (19:24) 26/04/2024 19:28:00 N/A
Departed (P16) 15L 1H39 19:13 VT Euston (19:13) - Manchester Piccadilly (21:19) 26/04/2024 19:28:00 N/A
Arrived (P11) 4L 1U40 LM Crewe (17:13) - Euston (19:24) 26/04/2024 19:28:00 N/A
Arrived (P1) 1L 5S95 CS Wembley Inter City Depot (19:09) - Euston (19:27) 26/04/2024 19:28:00 N/A
Arr (U) P1 5S95 CS Wembley Inter City Depot (19:09) - Euston (19:27) 26/04/2024 19:26:35 WY: 0306 to X001
Arr (U) P11 1U40 LM Crewe (17:13) - Euston (19:24) 26/04/2024 19:26:28 WY: 0102 to X011
Approaching 5S95 CS Wembley Inter City Depot (19:09) - Euston (19:27) 26/04/2024 19:25:48 WY: 0308 to 0306
Dep (D) P11 from C 2T69 19:24 LM Euston (19:24) - Tring (20:04) 26/04/2024 19:25:26 WY: A011 to 0309
Departed (P11) 1L 2T69 19:24 LM Euston (19:24) - Tring (20:04) 26/04/2024 19:25:00 N/A
Approaching 1U40 LM Crewe (17:13) - Euston (19:24) 26/04/2024 19:24:45 WY: 0104 to 0102
Activated 2B59 20:24 LM Euston (20:24) - Bletchley (21:19) 26/04/2024 19:24:12 N/A
Dep (D) P10 from E 1Y69 19:23 LM Euston (19:23) - Birmingham New Street (21:45) 26/04/2024 19:23:40 WY: A010 to 0105
Activated 1Y73 20:23 LM Euston (20:23) - Birmingham New Street (22:43) 26/04/2024 19:23:08 N/A
Departed (P10) RT 1Y69 19:23 LM Euston (19:23) - Birmingham New Street (21:45) 26/04/2024 19:23:00 N/A
Terminated 2T64 LM Tring (18:45) - Euston (19:22) 26/04/2024 19:21:00 N/A
Arrived (P8) 1E 2T64 LM Tring (18:45) - Euston (19:22) 26/04/2024 19:21:00 N/A
Activated 5Q01 VT Euston (20:20) - Oxley Carriage Maintenance Depot (22:55) 26/04/2024 19:20:06 N/A
Arr (U) P8 2T64 LM Tring (18:45) - Euston (19:22) 26/04/2024 19:19:27 WY: 0306 to X008
Approaching 2T64 LM Tring (18:45) - Euston (19:22) 26/04/2024 19:18:48 WY: 0308 to 0306
Terminated 2C53 LO Watford Junction DC (18:30) - Euston (19:19) 26/04/2024 19:18:00 N/A
Arrived (P9) 1E 2C53 LO Watford Junction DC (18:30) - Euston (19:19) 26/04/2024 19:18:00 N/A
Arr (U) P9 2C53 LO Watford Junction DC (18:30) - Euston (19:19) 26/04/2024 19:16:43 WY: 0306 to X009
Dep (D) P2 from X 1F35 26/04/2024 19:16:12 WY: A002 to 0603
Approaching 2C53 LO Watford Junction DC (18:30) - Euston (19:19) 26/04/2024 19:16:08 WY: 0308 to 0306
Terminated 1Y58 LM Birmingham New Street (17:06) - Euston (19:17) 26/04/2024 19:16:00 N/A
Arrived (P3) 1E 1Y58 LM Birmingham New Street (17:06) - Euston (19:17) 26/04/2024 19:16:00 N/A
Dep (D) P9 from C 2D54 19:15 LO Euston (19:15) - Watford Junction DC (20:03) 26/04/2024 19:15:30 WY: A009 to 0309

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