TrackIT! - Didcot East Junction

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TIPLoc: DIDCTEJ, Stanox: 74320

Train TOC Origin Destination Action WTT Public Actual Var Plt (S) Plt (A) Lin (S) Lin (A) Pth (S) Pth (A) Latest Latest TD Report
4O19   East Midlands Gateway Terminal GB Railfreight (21:51) Southampton Western Docks GB Railfreight (06:57) Pass 05:10         RL     No report Cancelled (FL) @ East Midlands Gateway Terminal GB Railfreight
5P15 GW Reading Train Care Depot (05:00) Didcot Parkway (05:35) Pass 05:33   05:22 11E   URL   1 Arr Didcot Parkway 11E @ 05:24 Terminated @ Didcot Parkway
2P15 GW Didcot Parkway (05:47) Paddington (06:50) Pass 05:48   05:47 1E   RL R 2 Arr Cholsey 1E @ 05:51 Arr (U) P4 from U @ Cholsey
1D10 GW Paddington (05:22) Didcot Parkway (06:03) Pass 06:01½         RL     Dep Tilehurst @ 05:52 Dep (D) P1 from D @ Tilehurst
1P08 GW Didcot Parkway (06:10) Paddington (06:52) Pass 06:11         ML     No report Activated @ Didcot Parkway
2P17 GW Didcot Parkway (06:17) Paddington (07:26) Pass 06:18         RL     No report Activated @ Didcot Parkway
2D02 GW Reading (05:55) Didcot Parkway (06:22) Pass 06:20½         URL     No report Activated @ Reading
1M18 XC Southampton Central (05:15) Didcot Parkway (06:31) Pass 06:30         URL     Dep Bramley (Hampshire) 1E @ 05:52 Dep (U) P1 @ Bramley (Hampshire)
2P19 GW Didcot Parkway (06:38) Paddington (07:50) Pass 06:39         RL     No report Activated @ Didcot Parkway
6V47   Immingham Lindsey Oil Refinery Colas Rail (23:34) Theale Murco Petroleum (08:09) Pass 06:46         RL     No report Cancelled (FL) @ Immingham Lindsey Oil Refinery Colas Rail
2N10 GW Paddington (05:38) Didcot Parkway (06:48) Pass 06:47         URL     Dep Dolphin Junction 1L @ 05:52 Approaching @ Slough

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