TrackIT! - Crewe Carriage Sidings L+NWR Site

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TIPLoc: CREWLNW, Stanox: 42148

Action Train Train Description When Trigger
Approaching 2A92 NT Manchester Piccadilly (06:36) - Crewe (07:39) 24/01/2025 07:48:33 CE: S147 to A136
Approaching 1R21 VT Manchester Piccadilly (06:55) - Euston (09:09) 24/01/2025 07:40:17 CE: S147 to A136
Approaching 1V33 AW Manchester Piccadilly (06:27) - Cardiff Central (09:45) 24/01/2025 07:37:11 CE: S157 to A128
Approaching 2U21 LM Northampton (06:01) - Crewe (07:40) 24/01/2025 07:36:44 CE: S120 to A120
Approaching 2K81 LM Stafford (06:43) - Crewe (07:28) 24/01/2025 07:30:30 CE: S132 to A132
Dep (D) from 7 5U22 LM Crewe Carriage Sidings (07:32) - Crewe (07:37) 24/01/2025 07:30:00 CE: 0535 to S120
Approaching 5U22 LM Crewe Carriage Sidings (07:32) - Crewe (07:37) 24/01/2025 07:30:00 CE: S120 to A120
Departed 5U22 LM Crewe Carriage Sidings (07:32) - Crewe (07:37) 24/01/2025 07:29:48 N/A
Approaching 1F44 Birmingham New Street (06:34) - Crewe (07:31) 24/01/2025 07:27:45 CE: S134 to A134
Approaching 1R18 VT Liverpool Lime Street High Level (06:43) - Euston (08:56) 24/01/2025 07:20:43 CE: S155 to 0126
Approaching 2K40 AW Shrewsbury (06:19) - Crewe (07:06) 24/01/2025 07:03:42 CE: S118 to A118
Approaching 9G46 VT Crewe (07:04) - Birmingham New Street (08:00) 24/01/2025 07:01:25 CE: B128 to A128
Approaching 2K30 NT Manchester Piccadilly (06:07) - Crewe (06:58) 24/01/2025 06:56:01 CE: S147 to A136

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