TrackIT! - 2K25 (GW Severn Beach - Bristol Temple Meads)

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Trust train ID: 812K25MK05.
Great Western Railway ordinary passenger service from Severn Beach to Bristol Temple Meads.
Timed as a Class 150, 153, 155 or 156 DMU at a maximum speed of 75 mph.
Permanent schedule Y23074 runs weekdays effective from 16/12/2024 to 16/05/2025. A dynamic link to the current day's instance of this train is here: Today's Y23074.
Activated automatically at 05/02/2025 11:01:03.

Location Action WTT Public Actual/Est Var Plt (S) Plt (A) Lin (S) Lin (A) Pth (S) Pth (A) Action
Wednesday 05 February 2025
Severn Beach Depart 12:01 12:01 12:00 1E 1   4 Dep (D) P1 to SBS
Holesmouth Junction Pass 12:06              
St Andrews Road Arrive 12:07 12:07            
Depart 12:07½ 12:07          
St. Andrew's Jn. (Avonmouth) Pass 12:09   12:09 RT     1 Dep (D)
Avonmouth Arrive 12:10½ 12:11 12:09 1½E 2 2 2 0 Dep (D) P2 to DM
Depart 12:12½ 12:12 12:11 1½E 2 2 1
Portway Park & Ride Arrive 12:14½ 12:15            
Depart 12:15 12:15          
Shirehampton Arrive 12:16½ 12:17            
Depart 12:17 12:17          
Sea Mills Arrive 12:20½ 12:21            
Depart 12:21 12:21          
Clifton Down Arrive 12:25 12:25 12:25 RT 2 2 2 0 Dep (D) P2 to AS
Depart 12:26 12:26 12:25 1E 2 2 1
Redland Arrive 12:28 12:28            
Depart 12:29 12:29          
Montpelier Arrive 12:30½ 12:31            
Depart 12:31½ 12:31          
Stapleton Road Narroways Hill Junction Pass 12:34½   12:32 2½E   RL A 4 Dep (D) AS to DF
Stapleton Road Arrive 12:35½ 12:36 12:34 1½E 2 2 2 0 Dep (D) P2 to DF
Depart 12:36½ 12:36 12:35 1½E 2 2 1
Lawrence Hill Arrive 12:39 12:39 12:37 2E 2 2 2 0 Dep (D) P2 to DFR
Depart 12:40 12:40 12:39 1E 2 2 1
Dr. Day's Jn Pass 12:41   12:40 1E   DR R 1 Dep (D) DF to DFR
Bristol East Junction Pass 12:42   12:41 1E   R 1 Dep (D) from R
Bristol Temple Meads Arrive 12:43 12:43 12:42 1E 1 1 1 0 Arr (D) FR to P1
Forms 2K32 GW Bristol Temple Meads (13:12) - Avonmouth (13:39)

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