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Activated as 801B44MN22 Milford Haven 22/01/2025 12:59:03 N/A N/A
N/A 22/01/2025 15:15:51 PL: I/pose APPY (2B64) 00:30:31 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:23:02 PL: APPY to 3228 00:30:44 behind 2B64
Approaching Llanelli 22/01/2025 15:24:42 PL: 3228 to 3226 00:30:45 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 from U Llanelli 22/01/2025 15:25:15 PL: 3226 to 3218 00:30:45 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 from U Llanelli 22/01/2025 15:27:33 PL: 3218 to 3216 00:30:44 behind 2B64
Approaching Llandeilo Junction 22/01/2025 15:28:22 PL: 3216 to 3212 00:30:55 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:28:23 C6: I/pose APUM (2B64) 00:30:56 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:28:23 PL: I/pose ATUM (2B64) 00:30:56 behind 2B64
Dep (U) from U Llandeilo Junction 22/01/2025 15:29:22 PL: 3212 to 3210 00:31:03 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:30:08 C6: STIN to 3200 00:31:03 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:30:08 PL: 3210 to 3200 00:31:03 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:30:08 PL: Cancel ATUM N/A
N/A 22/01/2025 15:30:09 C6: Cancel APUM N/A
N/A 22/01/2025 15:37:17 C6: 3200 to 3182 00:34:07 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:37:17 PL: 3200 to 3182 00:34:07 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:37:18 PL: I/pose LSUM (2B64) 00:34:08 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:38:29 PL: 3182 to COUT 00:13:35 behind 1V40
Approaching Swansea Loop West 22/01/2025 15:38:29 C6: 3182 to 3180 00:34:22 behind 2B64
Approaching Swansea Loop East 22/01/2025 15:40:11 C6: 3180 to 3522 00:34:32 behind 2B64
Dep (U) Swansea Loop West 22/01/2025 15:40:11 C6: 3180 to 3522 00:34:32 behind 2B64
Approaching Swansea 22/01/2025 15:42:09 C6: 3522 to 3167 00:34:31 behind 2B64
Dep (U) Swansea Loop East 22/01/2025 15:42:09 C6: 3522 to 3167 00:34:31 behind 2B64
Arr (D) P1 Swansea 22/01/2025 15:43:38 C6: 3167 to 3168 00:34:24 behind 2B64
Approaching Swansea Loop East 22/01/2025 15:52:46 C6: 3168 to 3158 00:07:06 behind 1V40
Dep (U) P1 from U Swansea 22/01/2025 15:52:46 C6: 3168 to 3158 00:07:06 behind 1V40
Dep (U) Swansea Loop East 22/01/2025 15:53:33 C6: 3158 to 3152 00:24:24 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 15:54:14 C6: 3152 to 3142 00:24:26 behind 2B64
Approaching Llansamlet 22/01/2025 15:55:29 C6: 3142 to 3134 00:24:25 behind 2B64
Approaching Skewen 22/01/2025 15:56:59 C6: 3134 to 3130 00:24:21 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 Llansamlet 22/01/2025 15:56:59 C6: 3134 to 3130 00:24:21 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 Skewen 22/01/2025 15:57:52 C6: 3130 to 3128 00:22:31 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 Llansamlet 22/01/2025 15:57:52 C6: 3130 to 3128 00:22:31 behind 2B64
Approaching Neath 22/01/2025 15:59:20 C6: 3128 to 3124 00:20:31 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 Skewen 22/01/2025 15:59:20 C6: 3128 to 3124 00:20:31 behind 2B64
Approaching Briton Ferry 22/01/2025 16:00:47 C6: 3124 to 3122 00:20:17 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 Neath 22/01/2025 16:00:47 C6: 3124 to 3122 00:20:17 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 Briton Ferry 22/01/2025 16:04:41 C6: 3122 to 3116 00:21:35 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 from M Neath 22/01/2025 16:04:41 C6: 3122 to 3116 00:21:35 behind 2B64
Approaching Baglan 22/01/2025 16:06:18 C6: 3116 to 3112 00:20:25 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 Briton Ferry 22/01/2025 16:06:18 C6: 3116 to 3112 00:20:25 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 Baglan 22/01/2025 16:06:57 C6: 3112 to 3106 00:19:59 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:07:46 C6: I/pose LSUP (2B64) 00:17:57 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 Baglan 22/01/2025 16:07:46 C6: 3106 to 3062 00:17:57 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:07:47 PT: STIN to 3062 00:17:58 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:08:18 C6: 3062 to 3060 00:17:45 behind 2B64
Approaching Port Talbot Parkway 22/01/2025 16:08:18 PT: 3062 to 3060 00:17:45 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:08:56 C6: 3060 to 3058 00:17:44 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 Port Talbot Parkway 22/01/2025 16:08:56 PT: 3060 to 3058 00:17:44 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:11:17 C6: 3058 to 3056 00:18:05 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 from M Port Talbot Parkway 22/01/2025 16:11:18 PT: 3058 to 3056 00:18:06 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:11:58 C6: 3056 to 3054 00:18:07 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:11:58 PT: 3056 to 3054 00:18:07 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:12:40 C6: 3054 to 3052 00:18:09 behind 2B64
Approaching Margam Moors Junction 22/01/2025 16:12:40 PT: 3054 to 3052 00:18:09 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:13:15 C6: 3052 to COUT 00:05:51 behind 6B48
N/A 22/01/2025 16:13:15 PT: 3052 to 3050 00:18:12 behind 2B64
Approaching Margam Moors Junction 22/01/2025 16:14:03 PT: 3050 to 3048 00:18:15 behind 2B64
Dep (U) from M Margam Moors Junction 22/01/2025 16:14:42 PT: 3048 to 3046 00:18:15 behind 2B64
Approaching Pyle 22/01/2025 16:15:29 PT: 3046 to 3044 00:18:13 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 Pyle 22/01/2025 16:16:08 PT: 3044 to 3042 00:17:59 behind 2B64
Approaching Stormy Up Goods Loop 22/01/2025 16:16:49 PT: 3042 to 3040 00:13:47 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 Pyle 22/01/2025 16:16:49 PT: 3042 to 3040 00:13:47 behind 2B64
Approaching Stormy 22/01/2025 16:17:24 PT: 3040 to 3034 00:13:32 behind 2B64
Dep (U) from U Stormy 22/01/2025 16:18:21 PT: 3034 to 3032 00:13:26 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:19:16 PT: 3032 to 3030 00:13:26 behind 2B64
Approaching Bridgend 22/01/2025 16:20:01 PT: 3030 to 3028 00:13:25 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 Bridgend 22/01/2025 16:20:37 PT: 3028 to 3022 00:13:19 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 from M Bridgend 22/01/2025 16:24:24 PT: 3022 to 3020 00:14:56 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:25:39 PT: 3020 to 3016 00:15:08 behind 2B64
Approaching Pencoed 22/01/2025 16:26:31 PT: 3016 to 3014 00:15:14 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:27:28 C2: I/pose 3012 (2B64) 00:15:20 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P2 Pencoed 22/01/2025 16:27:28 PT: 3014 to 3012 00:15:20 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:28:19 C2: 3012 to 3010 00:13:21 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 Pencoed 22/01/2025 16:28:19 PT: 3012 to 3010 00:13:21 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:28:56 C2: 3010 to 3008 00:13:01 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:28:56 PT: 3010 to 3008 00:13:01 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:29:34 PT: 3008 to 3006 00:12:57 behind 2B64
Approaching Llanharan 22/01/2025 16:29:34 C2: 3008 to 3006 00:12:57 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:30:13 PT: Cancel 3006 N/A
Arr (U) P2 Llanharan 22/01/2025 16:30:13 C2: 3006 to 2068 00:12:46 behind 2B64
Approaching Pontyclun 22/01/2025 16:30:55 C2: 2068 to 2066 00:10:40 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P2 Llanharan 22/01/2025 16:30:55 C2: 2068 to 2066 00:10:40 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:30:56 PT: I/pose COUT (2B73) 00:00:10 behind 2B73
Arr (U) P1 Pontyclun 22/01/2025 16:31:47 C2: 2066 to 2064 00:10:34 behind 2B64
Dep (U) P1 Pontyclun 22/01/2025 16:32:45 C2: 2064 to 2062 00:08:27 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:33:34 C2: 2062 to 2060 00:08:24 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:34:27 C2: 2060 to 2050 00:08:23 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:35:20 C2: 2050 to 2048 00:08:22 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:35:56 C2: 2048 to 2046 00:08:21 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:36:45 C2: 2046 to 2042 00:08:19 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:37:47 C2: 2042 to 2040 00:08:20 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:38:37 C2: 2040 to 2038 00:08:19 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:39:19 C2: I/pose LSWC (2B64) 00:08:19 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:39:19 C2: 2038 to 2036 00:08:19 behind 2B64
N/A 22/01/2025 16:40:04 C2: 2036 to 2034 00:07:59 behind 2B64
Approaching Cardiff Central 22/01/2025 16:40:38 C2: 2034 to 2030 00:07:13 behind 2B64
Arr (U) P3 Cardiff Central 22/01/2025 16:42:24 C2: 2030 to 2714 01:10:51 behind 2B73
Terminated Cardiff Central 22/01/2025 16:43:00 N/A N/A

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