TrackIT! - Location Search


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If you know the 3-letter code for a station you're interested in (e.g. FIT for Filton Abbey Wood, BRI for Bristol Temple Meads), enter it and press the "CRS" button to go directly to it.

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Please enter 3 or more characters to search for... in the meantime, here are some recent popular locations!

Location Description CRS NLC TIPLoc Stanox
Clapham Junction CLJ 559500 CLPHMJN 87219
London Bridge LBG 514800 LNDNBDG 87601
Milton Keynes Central MKC 137800 MKNSCEN 70261
Euston EUS 144400 EUSTON 72410
Bolton BON 259900 BOLTON 31620
Carstairs South Junction 970487 CRSTRSS 07966
Willesden West London Junction XWI 145731 WLSDWLJ 72268
Mossend Euroterminal RfD Europe 972922 MOSEURT 07390
Guildford North Box Sidings 563712 GUILDFR 87049
Harrogate HGT 821300 HAGT 16102

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