TrackIT! - Location Search


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If you know the 3-letter code for a station you're interested in (e.g. FIT for Filton Abbey Wood, BRI for Bristol Temple Meads), enter it and press the "CRS" button to go directly to it.

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Please enter 3 or more characters to search for... in the meantime, here are some recent popular locations!

Location Description CRS NLC TIPLoc Stanox
Lowestoft Civil Engineer's Sidings 726815 LOWSCE 48114
Lowestoft LWT 726800 LOWSTFT 48104
Norwich NRW 730900 NRCH 48231
Coke Ovens Junction 726803 COKEOVJ 48105
Lowestoft Reception 726869 LOWSTFR 48101
Stratford (London) SRA 696900 STFD 52226
Southall STL 318700 STHALL 73663
Vauxhall VXH 559700 VAUXHAL 87214
London Liverpool Street Crossrail LSX 659400 LIVSTLL 52745
Romford RMF 688600 ROMFORD 50401

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