TrackIT! - Location Search


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If you know the 3-letter code for a station you're interested in (e.g. FIT for Filton Abbey Wood, BRI for Bristol Temple Meads), enter it and press the "CRS" button to go directly to it.

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Please enter 3 or more characters to search for... in the meantime, here are some recent popular locations!

Location Description CRS NLC TIPLoc Stanox
Dawlish DWL 340800 DAWLISH 83605
Beverley BEV 804800 BEVERLY 19023
Gatwick Airport GTW 541600 GTWK 87911
Scarborough SCA 818500 SCARBRO 16201
Victoria London (C) 542603 VICTRIC 87201
Worcestershire Parkway [High Level] WPH 942300 WORCPHL 67113
Wigan Wallgate WGW 240600 WIGANWL 35111
Walsall WSL 121600 WALSALL 65553
Tunstead Sidings Freightliner Heavy Haul 283213 TUNSFHH 34110
Weston-super-Mare WSM 339100 WSMARE 81911

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